Friday, November 11, 2011

A made double chocolate cinnamon pancakes....YUMMMMM!

Blogger Question!

So is there any way to hide pictures in a post or parts of a post behind a cut of some sort? I don't like the looks of my page when there's pictures down the side and pictures in posts. Hmmmm.....

Shamboozlefest 2011

Here are some pics from Shamboozlefest! :-)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I fail at blogging!

How funny! I had forgotten about this blog until I went to post on my friend Jeni's blog and it automatically logged me in. Haha! Life is still pretty much the same. We aren't attending any co-ops right now but that might change in the spring. C is in high school now so it's a little different. We're tracking hours more now and adding in more focused electives. This year the whole family is rocking out Sonlight (which I highly recommend!).
We're still trying to pick a foreign language. As soon as we agree we'll get going on that. I'm voting for Japanese and C is voting for Russian. My motivation is the ability to watch more anime and read more manga without waiting for translations. Bwahahahaha! I have no idea why C wants to do Russian. She thinks it sounds cool. lol
N is taking karate now and is absolutely loving it. He's made some new friends and is growing up so fast. I think his vote is for now foreign language. (It might eat into his gaming time. lol)
A is growing up like all little girls do. Our bathroom shelves are now littered with hair paraphernalia and make-up. She was a cheerleader this fall but that's over now. She hasn't quite decided what she wants to head into next. I'm kind of hoping it's something that doesn't start until spring so we can have the holidays sort of off. (I'm bad like that. :-) )
All in all the kids are getting older and life is flying by. I should probably get off here and finish laundry, or cook dinner, or get ready for karate, or finish Science.... Or I might just be rebellious and hide on the internet for a bit longer. :D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been Awhile....♦

Well, it's certainly been awhile hasn't it? Long enough that the never ending (don't get me started lol) remodel is mostly on the downhill slide :p

We've been changing around curriculums again since Christmas break. The SOS is really not our cup of tea. The children have certainly decided it's not their favorite all. They will use it but it's not a happy time of learning for them. We're going to time4learning for Math, English and Reading Comprehension and we've been using unit studies for History and Science. Right now we're working on Native Americans and are going to move forward through American History and we're also doing a study on Space and various astronomers (which does give us a bit of History as well). I'm debating on finish up the first then doing the second but I'm not sure yet. The Space one is really exciting since the kiddos got a wonderful new telescope for Christmas, but two at once is pushing us some days.

I've decided there are thirty zillion projects I'm never going to finish knitting....and at the same time I'm looking for something new and interesting to try. I got a knitting board for Christmas and I think I'm going to focus on that for now. (After I finish crocheting my fingerless gloves of course :p).

I also think I'm about to start a diet with the wonderful support of family and my best friend. There's a few of us who are ready to start the New Year off right and I think we're all about settled back into life after the Holidays and ready to give it a go. Which means it's time to start giving my little Wii Fit a workout or two as well!

The joys of Google Reader have me attempting to blog again so I'm really excited to see how it goes. I hope any of you reading this having a wonderful day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Well, another day. We're pretty well just finishing school up. It's mostly outside days now, not any bookwork.

Tonight the girls are in a ballet recital with the homeschool co-op we attend. They're very excited and so am I. We've got to get their hair up in buns, so we had to pick up plenty of bobby pins and suchlike things. Neither has hair long enough to go into a bun easily, but it's close.

Girl Scouts and soccer are winding down as well, so it's almost time for that nice unscheduled summer break. We're going to spend part of it remodeling our house, which is kind of scary and nervewracking but really so much awesome. It's been a long time coming and we're all really excited. We're still uncertain if we're going to be able to add the bed and bathroom we wanted, but either way it's going to be really wonderful. I'm psyched :)

Been looking for something new and fun to knit...even though I need to be finishing the sixty gazillion projects I have started. I'm just wanted something small....I've got a new pair of needles I'm wanting to do something with. Size 8 bamboo. I found a ds case pattern, but I'm not really sure if that's what I'm wanting to do yet or not. Halfway started it, but I'm not really like the yarn I picked out of the stash. It doesn't seem to suit the job. And I'm really trying not to buy more without using up some of the stash. Space isn't plentiful here and my yarn has taken up about all that it is allowed to take up.

I need to get the homeschooling books off the shelves and that will open up more space. Most of them I won't be reusing. The older two are going to use Switched On Schoolhouse next year. They all really love using the computer for learning, so we're pretty excited. They don't make sos for second grade so I'm not sure what we're using for the youngest yet. I'm still exploring options. At least I've still got the whole summer to figure it out :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Beginning....

Well, here we go. Time to start this journal off right.

On today's agenda:
Knit a headband for my outta control hair
clean up
take a free day from schooling the kiddos and letting them play in the kiddie pool
Take the simplymother to get her nose pierced...we'll be a matched set :D
Meet up with J who's in town for the weekend
Finally wash a load or so of laundry :p

I'm rather hoping the hubby gets home in time to watch the kiddos while I take mom. Otherwise they might be visiting with their cousins for a short bit. She's wanted to do this since I got mine done and finally decided....why not? It seems we always get into mischief together. I love my momma.

And we're less than two weeks from being done with school for the summer anyway, so a free day is kind of nice. Homeschool co-op ended yesterday except for next semester sign-ups and a picnic/field day, so things are winding down around here.

Our friend J is in town for the weekend and we'll get to visit with him before he relocates even further away. The kids are going to be so excited. They call him uncle and think he is all of the awesome. So it's going to be cool.

In other news, I'm so glad it's gone from cold to really, really warm/almost hot. The plants are back outdoors and maybe now I'll finally finish crocheting the plant hanger I'd lost interest in. The first one was an experiment and turned out kind of neat. I'm really digging it.

And with that, I'll close the first entry to my new blog.
